Free mover

When you are admitted to study at Karlstad University, there are no priorities to get a student housing - it is first come, first served.

Remember that you must present a letter of admission from Karlstad University to receive a contract. You must enroll for at least 15 credits per semester.

Before the beginning of the semester, many people are looking for housing. To increase your chances of finding accommodation before classes begin, it helps if you apply early.

How to apply

To get started, you need to register yourself. Länk till annan webbplats. You can then log in at any time to track your cases.

To be able to apply for an accomodation you need to uplaod your letter of admission. You do this on your account Länk till annan webbplats.. If this does not work, please contact for further help. 

Search for available accommodation

All students, both swedish and free movers, can apply for these.

How to search for ordinary student accommodation (in Swedish)


It is very important that you check your email daily during the application process. Since the demand is so great, we need to get quick answers from you when we have found a suitable or send offer of contract. If you do not resond within the time specified in the email, you miss the offer. Don't forget to check your spam folder and make sure that your e-mail account isn't full. Please visit mina sidor (my pages) to check your current inquiries, just in case that the e-mail message for some reason hasn't reached you.